Frog Starter Kit - 450HT (45x45x60)
This kit includes an enclosure, substrate, a comprehensive thermostat plus all the heating and lighting required to keep your frogs happy and healthy! Just add a water bowl and furnishings.
Frogs are perfect animals to keep in a naturalistic, planted bio-active enclosure. Check out our Frog Masterclass (included in this kit) for a step-by-step how-to video!
Tank options:
- 45cm x 45cm x 60cm Tank (suitable for 2-3 small arboreal frogs, such as Eastern Dwarf Tree frog, Red-Eyed Tree frog, Centralian Tree frog)
- 60cm x 45cm x 60cm Tank (suitable for 2-3 medium-large arboreal frogs, such as Green Tree frog, Magnificent Tree frog, White-lipped Tree frog)
Frogs can be very active and should be afforded as much space as possible. The above recommendations for enclosure sizes are based off minimum requirements. For larger colonies, a 900HT (90cm x 45cm x 60cm) or larger tank would be required.
For species-specific information or for general enquiries, please contact our specialist Reptile Team on (02) 9629 3282.
Kit also contains:
- Enrolment in Frog Masterclass
- Thermostat
- Heating dome
- 50w Infrared heat projector
- T5 UVB reflector and tube
- Coco peat substrate
- Multical supplement
Matching cabinets sold separately - suitable for 450HT or 600H or 600HT.