Get Your Pet Right LED UVB Bar - 218mm (9w) / 14.0
LED UVB is the latest technological advancement in animal lighting and offers a range of benefits to all reptiles and amphibians compared to other forms of UVB (compact, T8, T5).
It provides your reptile with the highest quality and most naturalistic white light, UVB, and UVA all in one lamp. These LED bars house the highest quality Japanese made LED UVB diodes and can deliver effective UVB for four years!
- The most energy-efficient way to provide UVB – low wattage, high output!
- Made with high-precision Japanese LEDs, the best in the world
- Combines UVB, UVA, and full visible spectrum lighting which is ideal for bio-active enclosures.
- Essential to help prevent health complications such as Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)
These LED Bars include a 30cm link cable enabling multiple units to be connected and run through a single power source.
UVB wavelengths are what allows reptiles to produce vitamin D3. However, only certain UVB wavelengths (from 290-315nm) help reptiles synthesize Vitamin D3. The Get Your Pet Right LED UVB fitting emits UVB wavelengths from 295nm to 320nm.
UVA is an important part of reptile vision, which helps them regulate behaviours such as feeding, mating and general activity. A small portion of UVA wavelengths (from 320nm-335nm) also help regulate Vitamin D3 production. The Get Your Pet Right LED UVB fitting emits UVB wavelengths from 320nm to 400nm.
Visible light is extremely important for all reptiles, even nocturnal species. The amount of visible light a bulb emits is measured on a temperature scale corresponding to the warmth of the light relative to colour and is measured in units of Kelvin (K). Natural sun light has a Kelvin temperature between 4,500 and 7,000K. The Get Your Pet Right UVB Lamps emit a colour temperature of 6500K and a CRI (colour rendering index) of 96, allowing for the most naturalistic artificial light to be provided to your reptile or amphibian .
Available in 7.0% or 14.0% UVB, and in 3 different lengths (218mm, 600mm & 900mm)
- 7% is suitable rainforest/ occasional basking species such as Green Tree Frogs, Boyd’s Forest Dragons, Carpet and Childrens pythons
- 14% is suitable for arid/day basking species such as Bearded Dragons, Ackie monitors and Blue Tongue Lizards
*PLEASE NOTE: As it is important to allow a UV gradient for your animal, we recommend using an LED bar 2/3-3/4 the length of your tank (eg. Use a 60cm bar on a 90cm enclosure). This will ensure that the reptile is able to properly regulate their UVB exposure.